Melrose Organic Molasses 600g-Unsulphured Black Strap Molasses


Melrose Organic Molasses 600g


It can be used in baking, as a delicious topping or as a recipe ingredient.


100% Sugarcane

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Melrose Organic Molasses 600g


Blackstrap molasses is a thick, dark syrup left after the extraction of sugar from sugar cane. The roots of the sugar cane run a long way into the soil, and have received a broad spectrum of minerals and trace elements. The process of Melrose Organic Molasses is certified organic ensuring a fresh delicious taste without any harmful additives, pesticides or herbicides. The product is also unsulphured, which means that no allergic chemicals have been used in processing. Molasses has a bitter-sweet flavour, and is a popular health food due to iron, copper, potassium and magnesium content.

An easy way to improve your diet is to replace refined sugars with molasses. It can be used in baking, as a delicious topping or as a recipe ingredient. The most important benefit of molasses is its high mineral content. Most sweeteners are white because they’ve been stripped of all their natural goodness. Melrose Organic Molasses is dark in colour because it contains the concentrated goodness of the earth in which the sugar cane is grown.


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